Former Actiris building: SAU-MSI short-lists five prospective buyers

The Urban Development Corporation (SAU-MSI) has short-listed five prospective buyers from among the 16 applications it received in connection with the sale subject to conditions of the former Actiris building, opposite the Bourse in the centre of Brussels. In the first phase of the procedure, these five prospective buyers have been selected on the basis of the composition of their team (prospective buyer and design team), their track record and their vision for the redevelopment of the building.

The five teams short-listed for the second selection phase must now each submit a detailed plan by the beginning of March 2018 that displays a vision of urban development, expertise, architectural creativity, a concern for sustainability, a well-structured programme proposal and realistic planning.

The five teams short-listed for the second phase are as follows:

  • Kolmont with Bogdan & Van Broek
  • Codic with Buro II & ARchi + I and Plus Office Architects
  • Immobel with Art & Build Architect, Sumproject Architecture & Engineering and Studio Roosegaarde
  • VDD Project Development - Vervoordt r.e. with Coussée & Goris Architecten and Omgeving
  • Revive with NoArchitecten

After analysing the tenders submitted for the second selection phase, the SAU-MSI plans to pick the best prospective purchaser during the summer of 2018.

  • For more information (in particular on the previous steps of the selection procedure):