Beliris appoints Michel Desvigne to design Josaphat’s green and public spaces

Beliris appoints Michel Desvigne to design Josaphat’s green and public spaces

Beliris* has appointed a team led by the landscape architect Michel Desvigne following the publication of a public procurement notice in September 2019. This was for the project design contract concerning the development of green spaces (the 2.8 ha Spoorpark along the railway line, the railway embankment, etc.), public spaces (roads, Place Wahis, Place De Boeck, Place Gilisquet, etc.) and infrastructure including two bridges for pedestrians and cyclists across the railway, the integration of facilities including a pavilion/kiosk and the work required to introduce utilities to the site (sewerage, water and electricity, etc.) for the future Josaphat district (more information:

This public tender represents the first phase in the development of the 30-hectare site, which will become a new district with parks, housing, businesses and various public facilities. It reflects the shared ambitions of Beliris, which is handling these green and public spaces aspects and the Urban Development Corporation (SAU), which is steering the overall urban development of this zone in its urban, landscape, architectural, environmental and universal accessibility aspects.

As Beliris points out, ‘A project on this scale requires lengthy and meticulous preparation. The preliminary studies include a survey of the entire area, a phytosanitary inventory of trees, a geotechnical study, a historical study of the area, keeping track of other studies in progress, monitoring the programme and making contact with all parties involved in the project. To save time and work efficiently, these things can be done while awaiting changes to the Territorial Development Plan (PAD-RPA)’ currently being drawn up by


(*) Beliris is a federal team serving Brussels residents and visitors to the capital. On a daily basis, Beliris carries out construction, renovation and restoration projects in various fields: transport, social housing, green spaces, neighbourhood regeneration, culture, heritage and sport. Its objective is to enhance the prestige of Brussels as the capital of Belgium and Europe.